Paste a FHIR® bundle (represented by Json) into the text area to the right. Click the 'Analyze bundle' button (that will appear) to start the Analyzer.

Sample references graph with clickable nodes(resources) to view the Json:


Upload all files into the text area below. Click the 'Generate FHIR bundle' button to generate the FHIR bundle into the text area to the right.

Load FHIR bundle to the Analyzer
{{exampleBundle | json}}

{{example.display}} Converted by {{example.comment}}
Load bundle to the Analyzer
{{exampleBundle | json}}

Adding a FHIR bundle

The left pane allows to add a FHIR bundle to the Analyser. A sample bundle can be loaded from examples by the way! Just the sample file name and hit the load button.
  {{fhir | json}} 

Bundle entries {{fhir.entry.length}}
{{entry.resource.resourceType}} {{hashErrors[$index].length}}
{{entry.resource.text.div | cleanTextDiv | limitTo:50}}
Id: {{}}
{{entry.resource.text.div | cleanTextDiv | limitTo:50}}
Id: {{}}
{{selectedBundleEntry.resource | json}}
{{selectedBundleEntry | json}}

Hide Patient

{{selectedFromSingleGraph | json}}

{{obs.text.div | cleanTextDiv}}
{{obs.valueCodeableConcept.text}} {{obs.valueString}} {{obs.valueQuantity.value}}

Errors {{selectedBundleEntryErrors.length}}
Validation Server: {{validationServer.url}}
{{err.severity}} {{err.diagnostics}} {{err.details.text}}

  • "Resource should have narrative..." means you're missing the .text element
  • "Unable to resolve resource..." errors simply mean that the referenced resource was not found on the Validation server. These can generally be ignored.
{{resourceFromSection | json}}
Expansion {{selectedBundleEntry.resource.expansion.contains.length}}
Canonicals {{hashRefsByResource[].length}}
{{hashRefsByResource[] | json}}
Large graphs can take a while to render in the graph. Be patient!
You can use Command+Mouse Wheel (on Mac) or Control+Mouse Wheel (on Windows/Linux) to zoom in or out.
Click each node(resource) on the graph to see the bundle entry(json).
Hide Patient
{{selectedNode.entry.resource | json}}
{{selectedNode.entry | json}}

{{obs.text.div | cleanTextDiv}}
{{obs.valueCodeableConcept.text}} {{obs.valueString}} {{obs.valueQuantity.value}} {{obs.valueQuantity.unit}}
{{selectedCanResource | json}}
Expansion {{selectedCanResource.expansion.contains.length}}
Canonicals {{hashRefsByResource[].length}}
{{hashRefsByResource[] | json}}